Tuesday, August 23, 2011


There is a certain beauty in chaos.
To step back from it and just watch it spin.
To watch God hold all things together…there is peace here.
There is order here, even here in the chaos.
Instincts scream FEAR this lack of control.
But even chaos is not out of control,
Not out of God’s control.
Rest in the beauty of your chaos, trusting in the God who holds all things together and works together all things for good.
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28


  1. Love your blog, Brandy~ This has been a blessing for me to read. I loved where you mentioned Beth Moore's "I am who God says I am" statement! :)
    So many people need to hear that!
    Praying for you and Kyle (and the kids!) as you continue to bless our church family with your service to the Lord.

  2. I'm totally feeling this right now. Being pregnant has thrown my world into chaos, but I know God has purpose in all of it. I don't want to do anything because I feel so nauseated and I'm wondering how I'll survive this semester, but God has a plan.

  3. Thanks Beth!
    Claire, so you really relate to the spinning part huh :) Prayin for you and that sweet baby! It is an excruciatingly difficult transition becoming a mother and that begins way before birth, but it is beautiful...you are beautiful. I pray you will feel Him holding you tight when it feels like everything's falling apart. Love ya!
